Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Economist backs my campaign (ish)

In a remarkable development, international uber-mag The Economist took time off from reminding its readers that Indonesia is at a crossroads and (almost) backed my campaign.
'What France needs,' it said, 'is a homme de fer' before (almost) going on to add 'and Victor Latrine is just such a man.'
Whilst not actually mentioning me by name, I think that anyone reading the article would see this as a clear nod in my direction. They were also pretty scathing about Le Petit Nicolas and Her Royal Highness.
Expect more opinion formers to follow suit pretty damn tootsweet.
I thank you for your attention
LibEgFrat to you all


Anonymous said...

Dear Victor,

As your numero uno fan, I must say that that the homme de fer news is thrilling. But I am confused - I thought a homme de fer worked on a chemin de fer. I have always imagined as a more intellectual type - homme de lettres (or is is 'des'- I lack education as may be evident from my word - but you have my heart.


Anonymous said...

we need more supporters; i urge anyone reading this to tell everyone they know (friends, relatives, aquaintances, random strangers...)